Tuesday, 28 February 2012

Just one more read through, and then...

I can’t believe how nervous I am about the next step I need to take with my MS.  I’m about to use the C-Word.
No, not that c-word, the other one: Critique.
I’ve been through some hefty revisions over the past year, and hacked a lot of words out, added a whole load more when I realised that I’d missed out entire chunks of the MC’s development arc, and finished with a few minor plot tidying tweaks.  And now, (after one more read through), I have to take the next step. 
I think that the main issue for me is that my CP's know what they are lookin for, and what makes a good story.  My Crit Team have probably volunteered because they think that they are going to get a good read.  What happens if it’s not one?  The fear of letting them down is quite tangible, and it's hovering there, waiting to say:  I told you they’d be disappointed.
Then again, if I don’t let them read it, then I’ll never know how much work I’ll need to do to make it the best I can.
I guess I’d better start that final read through now...


  1. After seeing some of your work in the "I'm Hearing Voices" blogfest, I can't imagine how anyone could be disappointed! Wishing you the best of luck!

  2. My only advice to you is savory it. No rush. Read it as you would any book you pick up, for that's how others will read it. I have no doubt it's a good one, so here's to the accomplishing of your goal! :)

    1. I hadn't thought of it in that way. That's given me a new perspective. Thanks :o)

  3. Sending my MS out for critiquing honestly made me sick. I was physically ill that day and it sucked. BUT... now I love it. In fact, I've got first draft crap out there that people are reading. It needs work - and I know it... but their opinions help so much! So go for it! I promise you won't regret it!

    1. You're right, Leigh. I know they will help improve it. I won't know how bad it is until someone actually points out where it needs fixing :o)

  4. Being fellow writers, we understand what a MS will look like pre-crit. Don't worry. We've all been there. :)

    1. That's very true Carrie. I hadn't thought of it that way. :o)

  5. I did this just before Christmas (and mine wasn't even near ready - she told me to just send it. Right now. So I did.) It was probably the most scary thing I'd ever done as a writer but afterwards, even before I heard back from her, I felt so much lighter because at least I was on the next step.

    Go for it :-)

    1. Do you know what Sarah? I think I will just send it out today. What have I got to lose? Absolutely nothing.
      Thank you! :o)
      (I just hope you're right about feeling lighter. lol)

  6. Hey! I'm excited for you. You're on the homestretch. Run Iain, run. I'm finishing up my fourth revision right now and then I'm going to send it off to C partners. That part scares the bejeezus out of me. But I'm determined to get this current WIP to a state of awesomeness.

    1. I would run Erin, but I've pulled a calf muscle. It's more a case of: hobble, Iain, hobble!
      Thanks for the encouragement. I'm sure yours already rocks!

  7. It'll all be good, Iain! Just remember that everything bad they say is only about THE MS. Everything good they say is about YOU. Remember that, and you'll be golden. ;)
