Monday, 11 June 2012

A little more thought required?

My writing group meets once a month.  At the end of each meeting we set homework to be written and sent to the group for review at the next meet.  We mail the completed pieces out to each other in advance so that we can give our critiques at the get together. 

This month, it fell upon me to set something. 

What should I suggest?  Obviously, it had to be something inspiring, not too restrictive, and hopefully challenging.  Here's what I came up with:

This won't be much fun, thought Jessica, as she opened the door.
This is the first line to your story. I've decided to set the word count at 1000 words.
So, tell me:  Who is Jessica?  Is she going in or out?  What isn't going to be fun?  

I have to admit, I was feeling quite pleased with myself.  That was until I realised that I had to write something as well.  It's taken three weeks to come up with an idea, let alone actually write it.  I just hope that once I've written it, it doesn't come over as a shoddy piece of work with a feel that it's been thrown together to meet the deadline.

I'll let you know the outcome.


  1. That's a great opening line! I love that you all start out with the same thing, and then get to see where everyone else takes it. Fascinating!

    1. Yes, it's great fun seeing what people come up with. :o)
      I'm still struggling to make mine anything more that just a vague idea though :o(

  2. I agree with Peggy. The idea that you start with an opening then proceed from there as a group is a cool idea!

    1. The different ideas are incredibly varied. Hmm... maybe I should do a post on the differet ideas that came from this. :oD

  3. Such a fun way to get those creative juices flowing!
